Amitav Acharya is the UNESCO chair in transnational challenges and governance and distinguished professor at the School of International Service, American University, Washington, D.C. He is the first non-Western scholar to be elected (for 2014-15) as president of the International Studies Association (ISA). His books include “Re-Imagining International Relations: World Orders in the Thought and Practice of Indian, Chinese, and Islamic Civilizations” (Cambridge, 2022, with Barry Buzan); “The Making of Global International Relations” (Cambridge, 2019, with Barry Buzan); “Constructing Global Order” (Cambridge, 2018); “The End of American World Order” (Polity, 2014, 2018); “Why Govern? Rethinking Demand and Progress in Global Governance” (editor, Cambridge, 2016); “The Making of Southeast Asia” (Cornell, 2013); “Whose Ideas Matter?” (Cornell, 2009); and “Constructing a Security Community in Southeast Asia” (Routledge, 2001, 2009, 2014). He has received two Distinguished Scholar Awards from the ISA, one in 2015 from its Global South Caucus for his “contribution to non-Western IR theory and inclusion” in international studies, and another in 2018 from ISA’s International Organization Section that recognizes “scholars of exceptional merit … whose influence, intellectual works and mentorship will likely continue to impact the field for years to come.” In 2020, he received American University’s highest honor, the Scholar-Teacher of the Year Award.